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Between September 2010 and December 2011, three major quakes and hundreds of aftershocks struck the greater Christchurch area: one of the largest natural disasters in New Zealand history.
Rubble to Resurrection brings together many previously untold stories of how the region's churches fared, and how the ordinary folk in the pews were able to reach out to their suffering neighbours. The book also asks what can be learned from this experience and used to benefit others in future..

road cones


Photo Gallery

A collection of images from churches involved in the earthquake Response. View now...


Video Clips

Interviews with the author. View Now...


Chapter Extracts

The Church Responds, The Church Grieves, The Church Rebuilds: Three chapter extracts, one from each section. View now...

"Melissa Parsons has given us a dramatic account of the Canterbury earthquakes, with a number of inspirational snapshots of the response of the churches to these overwhelming events. It is a real gift to have this record, and I trust this book will be an inspiration and encouragement to everyone who reads it."
Murray Robertson, former president, NZ Baptist Union